Notice: March 26, 2025: Edition 374 has been reuploaded. It will be remastered in 60fps in the future and will have better watermark placement.
Notice January 9, 2025:
So there you have it…there are no more blank pages on either Uptownplayground or Fullbodycaptures in the members area. All I have to do is reupload some missing videos on a page here or there. Old trailers will be reuploaded in a separate section of each site in the future.
Update March 20, 2025: Edition 256 Vol 2…Currently Updating on Page 33 Vol 2
Edition 374 is a must have, when will it be reuploaded?
Must admit I did forget about the reuploading I still have to do. I just checked and I have it so I can upload it today. I’m about to finish off the reuploading of some missing vids here and there soon.
Yes that video was with the grey leggings one I believe, great video!
I look forward to seeing it!
Edition 374 is a must have, when did you capture and when will it be reuploaded?
It’s Marleny Nunez and it was done in 2018. I did another video of her too. As I type this, I don’t remember what video it was but I think it’s available now.
Are you uploading the pink shorts dominican soon?
I’m not sure which one that is. I know about one in a pink one piece and another with pink leggings if you’re talking about somebody from the 2024 dominican trailer, but not shorts.
Which video was the one with the middle eastern chick with the blue dress you captured at night? I think it was at Times Square,
Edition 239 I think:
Any plans to bring back video samples soon? That was a major selling point for me when I subscribed in the past
I just came up with an idea to run samples on my blog. I’ve always wanted to update that blog often but I would always get sidetracked by something, so I’ll put them there. That way I’m not using up even more space on my server. U have the non-members area though with the pics until then. Most people don’t care about me putting samples out because of the body of the work…u know what you’re getting or likely to get. Also, I’m sure people have learned that you can reasonably predict how good the vids are based on preview pics- it’s known that I’m not a preview pic scammer…although of course, some vids can be disappointing as nobody’s perfect. This is why admittedly, I try to avoid throwing up too many preview pics for vids that I regard as disappointing.
video in miami with packwoods on back of shorts???
have to reupload that one but I think it was on Fullbodycaptures. The 2021 Miami vids I remember putting them up on Fullbodycaptures. It had to do with covid.
This video has been reuploaded:
It’s Edition 407 on Fullbodycaptures
Please unsubscribe my membership thank you bro
It’s non recurring
Is edition 497 available somewhere? Found pic on another site and it made me subscribe
it’s on page 50 vol 1. One of many I plan to remaster in 60fps.
Thanks! Look forward to the update
what was her name again? and also her “stage” or “performance” name?
Mollywoodz was her stage name. I would prefer not to give her real name here.
is she still alive? i am not sure after doing some digging…
unfortunately she passed away a few years ago
any trailers coming up soon brotha?
2023 boobs within a few days. The dominican trailer mid february.
Do you need any help with identifying videos that need reuploading? Looks like I have some old downloads or at least sample downloads, would be happy to help, let me know.
I’m about to make a list of the ones I need. Sorry for the late response. If a fan comes through soon on a mega link he’s previously sent me but I never got around to downloading all the vids I needed, I may not need any vids for this site. He has to reactivate his mega account.
I just signed up and paid for my membership about 2 hours ago. I accidentally cancelled my membership. Who can I contact to get my membershio reinstated or at least a refund? If someone can point me in the correct direction I would greatly appreciate it.
you should be able to login now. Check email for info.
Thank you so much!!!! God bless you!
This is just some constructive criticism…no offense, but your site is very difficult to navigate. Your content is definitely premium…but in regard to the site layout, I would suggest taking a look at a couple of the other big candid sites (I won’t list names here, but everyone knows the ones) and using a layout more along those lines, something that is much more simplistic and doesn’t involve nearly as many hyperlinks and whatnot. The layout of this site makes it a bit tedious and frustrating to find exactly what you’re looking for. Again, I’m not trying to insult you or anything. I say this as a repeat customer who loves your content.
It’s 2023. Done more than anybody else and was in the game for the first time in 2006 before the game got dumbed down with wide angle view action cams, site building software such as wordpress and free payment processing with paypal. I’m not going on another site run by somebody who don’t even deserve to be here more than me-and that applies to everyone-and make a move under their influence. That is not happening. Categories were going to be added as I always wanted to separate the boob content from the ass, categorize according to subject type, and by year of production but that is not a big issue. The biggest problem was reducing the scrolling on pages and I’ve already done that. I have more volume than anyone else and that should always be considered when navigating my sites. As long as somebody knows how to use a drop-down menu and knows how to take their time and not try to cut through a site with huge volume, there shouldn’t be a problem.
What’s the status of the All-Boobs trailer? looking forward to it dawg
I’m about to work on it.
Did you see my comment posted a long time ago?
Uptownplayground Edition 104 Vol 2
June 12, 2023 at 5:15 am
i can’t watch this video. download link is dead.
edition110 and edition 43 can’t watch too.
Uptownplayground Edition 140 Vol 2
June 12, 2023 at 5:21 am
i can’t watch this video. download link is dead.
edition 114 too.
my account is terminated soon.
hurry up or extend my account.
all of that should be reuploaded within the next several hours
Can you put the trailers on samples like before? I really want to watch the new ones bro
The 2022 Eliteasses and the Dominican trailers are now up in the non-members areas. Pages 17 vol 2 and 16 vol 2 respectively.
I wrote a comment yesterday here or on fbc and it is deleted? Why?
Was just asking why you no longer release boob vids? If this is the case you no longer will post boob vids, please tell me so I don’t need to rejoin.
Don’t get me wrong. I love your work very much but i’m only here for boobs
I was about to put up something from 2021. The 2022 boobs trailer will be up soon. I’m still getting things in order in the process of recovering from that server being lost.
Is there anyway I could get a refund I thought I would’ve been able to see a lot more
If you just joined, it was at the right time. Pay attention to what’s being posted soon. If you’re new to my sites, there’s a lot of content that has been reuploaded since my original server was lost late last year. Check the reupload progress page to see what’s available. Im about to start reuploading previously released vids this week after the 2022 Eliteasses Trailer goes up.
Oh okay thanks
just purchased memberships to both of your sites, yet have member access to neither. please fix!
Im a member was wondering if the video of lady in the beginning of this video is anywhere around OMG
Does edition 30 vol 2 have the streaming link? Or do i have to go on PC to watch?
stream option is available for that video
Hi, will you be re-uploading the Big Boob Latina in the flag bikini top from the Puerto Rican Parade? Thanks
definitely will be
Administrator contact me, I have an offer
Did you upload this video yet?
If you’re talking about Edition 135:
I’m reuploading it within the next month or so at 60fps-it was never released at that frame rate. This will be the third version of that video.
Do you have more of her?
Just what was shown in the video unfortunately. A lot will happen with boobs though over the next few years and a lot has happened already this year. Due to technical improvements, I just starting peaking with boobs in 2023. As more of my boob vids get released from 2022 and beyond, more and more people will notice the differences between my old level and what I can do now. 2022 is when I started experimenting-the new skills didn’t start getting nailed down until 2023. A video like Edition 135 is probably going to happen within the next few years and it will be much more serious. To anybody interested, I just checked for the original files and I do have them, so that means the remaster at 60fps will be a true remaster job. Remastering a rendered video at a higher frame rate is not as good as remastering with the original files.
ok you’ve been saying next month for a year, lets get it out!
I don’t know what you’re referring to. I don’t remember putting a time frame on reuploading this video as I’ve been too busy reuploading vids on Fullbodycaptures. Most people already have the original upload or the second upload which had unnecessary footage taken out. You’re talking about a vid that was released almost ten years ago.
Is it up now?
I’m putting up the 30fps 2nd upload without the unnecessary footage from the original upload within the next 24 hours. The 60fps version will have to wait. Too busy reuploading vids.
How many 2022 videos are currently available?
I just finished reuploading pretty much all of vol 2. Some relatively minor 2022 videos have been put up going back months but the only significant 2022 vid that’s up on Uptown is 160 vol 2:
I’m about to slow down a bit with reuploading in favor of getting the 2022 vids up. The Eliteasses Trailer is coming soon as is the non-members area and the samples area.
i tried to sign up using paypal but a message popped up saying the buyer cannot process this transaction even though the money has been deducted
send an email to with the transaction id.
I cant access anything after signing up, whats going on?
Check the reupload progress page in the site menu. The latest updates are on page 16 of the vol 2 members area. If you can’t access what is available send an email to with your transaction id.
hello can you contact me , can i take 1 week premium for try 10$
All I see is widget ready, can’t see any of the videos
Check the reupload progress page in the site menu. The site is currently updating on page 16 of the vol 2 members area.
Am I blind or is there no longer a samples section?
Samples section will be added. It’s been known since January that my old server was disabled by my former host and all my sites are in a recovery process from that. Check the reupload progress page to see what videos are available.
Any headway on the samples section being brought back? I hate to say it but I can’t justify resubbing if I don’t know what new content I can expect
nonmembers area before samples. I have now reuploaded pretty much all of vol 2. I’m about to start reuploading vol 1 soon. The 2022 videos are the focus now and the preview pics will be in the nonmembers area to be put up within the next day or so.
Hey, in the video of the Asian woman you recorded out the subway (length 7:14/15) did she talk to you/ask you why you were so close to her at 5:20? That’s 1 of your best videos and it gets me hard every time because she obviously busted you multiple times.
I think you’re talking about edition 30 vol2 which I’m about to reupload. She never said a word. As I’ve said in the past, there is a difference between being busted and suspicion. I was never busted in that video.
I do not have access and havent had access while this update is going on.
i paid for subscription on feb 24
check email
What’s the last blondieass video you put out? Is she still around? Haven’t seen anything from her in a while.
Edition 444…
from 2019. Haven’t seen her since.